What Does OIML Stand For And Why Is It Important?
You may have seen 'OIML' mentioned in used in relation to weighing scales in the past - but was is it, and what does OIML stand for?
OIML stands for Organisation Internationale de Metrologie Legale - or the International Organisation of Legal Metrology. It was created to promote the global harmonisation of legal metrology (the science of measurement) procedures. Members of OIML are countries that use the OIML Recommendations to create National Standards for Metrology.
In the European Union, the European standard EN45501 is based upon the OIML R76 for Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments.
What are non-automatic weighing instruments?
A non-automatic weighing instrument (NAWI) is one that "requires the intervention of an operator during the weighing process to decide that the weighing result is acceptable".
When a weighing scale or balance is approved, that means it has been tested by an Approved Standards Laboratory to meet published standards. These standards cover the metrology of the weighing equipment as well as operation, standards of construction, security, labelling and testing of electromagnetic characteristics. Trade approved scales have labels identifying conformance, and must be fitted with methods to seal the calibration if required and be issued with a Certificate of Conformity.
You may use the scales search tool at the side of this article to locate approved scales and balances; just tick the checkbox before submitting your search.
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